Cats have been loved by the lovers of the pets all over the world since time immemorial. A look at trends in different part of the world reveals that in India, the population of cats that households own as pets is gradually increasing. For those desiring to rear poultry, the question most often asked is: Which breed do I have to take? It can be asserted that a preliminary acquaintance with the features of breeds, as well as their temper, and further requirements for care will be useful.
Of the cat breeds, there are several that find popularity in India and, in this article, we’re going to take a closer look at the top 20 of these breeds. Young people seeking to adopt a cute and affectionate pet to cuddle with, someone who wants to play with a pet that is full of energy or even an indifferent laid-back type of a pet, this guide will come in handy.
Persian Cats
Origins and History
The Persian cat is one of the oldest cats’ breeds recognized all over the world. First developed in Iran or what is also known as Persia, these cats have aimed at romantic positions for centuries, owned and adorning royal courtrooms and implementing their representations in numerous types of art. As adopted settlers got to Europe, and further to India, they became one of the most popular breeds because of their soft luxurious fur and their appearance.
Characteristics and Appearance
Persian cats cannot be confused with any other breed because of their long elegant fur and flat muzzle. They possess comparatively big round eyes and can have different colors making their appearance very tender. These cats are medium to large, robustly built and they have short legs.
Temperament and Personality
Persians love to be pampered and are friendly cats. It is for this very reason that they are very calm all-day round and prefer to laze around the house. Much as they may like a lot of attention, they are not very noisy and are usually happy to be left alone with their things.
Persian Cat Care
Persian cats have long fur and for this reason, they need to be groomed frequently in order to avoid situations of matting of fur. The best regime is brushing the teeth at least once daily. They are also liable to some health problems for instance; flat faces causing breathing problems hence require frequent checkups from the vet.
Siamese Cats
Origins and History
The Siamese cats come from Thailand which in the past was known as Siam, and the cats were considered as sacred temple cats. Highly intelligent animals, it was not long before their elegant looks and large, intense blue eyes placed the breed in high demand across Europe and North America by the twentieth-century.
Characteristics and Appearance
Siamese cats are lean with a smooth fur and big blue pointy eyes, as they are also known as blue-eyed Siamese. They have a unique coat that is dark at certain strategic parts of their body including their ears, face, paw and tail but the rest of their body is of a lighter shade.
Temperament and Personality
Siamese cats are noisy and playful and will show lot of affection towards every one. They are social animals and enjoy contact with their owners. Siamese also famous for intelligence; the cat can be trained to do tricks and owner often term them ‘dog like’.
General Siamese Cat Care
Since the Siamese cats have a short hair coat they do not require much grooming. But they require lots of stimulation that is both mental as well as physical in order to always be happy. They cannot amuse themselves let alone play most of the time, hence, toys that can be interactively played with and playtime/ exercise are crucial.
Maine Coon cat
Origins and History
The Maine Coon is a natural breed that hails from the state of Maine in United States of America. They are one of the most seasoned normal breeds in North America and have as of late picked up the notoriety for being neighborly and perky all over the world.
Characteristics and Appearance
It gladden my heart to be part of this great breed because Main coons are among the largest domesticated cats in the world. It is characterized by a big, thick bushy tail, tufted ears and a thick coat of body- fur that is water proof, thus making them ideal for cold weather. They are large in size and muscularity, and they make very conspicuous animals.
Temperament and Personality
Maine Coons are called ‘gentle giants’; they are friendly, social cats, and can happily coexist with children and other pets. Despite being relatively small dogs, they are actually very friendly affectionate dogs, which are suitable for families.
Maine Coon Cat Care
They require bathing and grooming from time to time to avoid the tangling of the thick fur that they possess. Maine Coons are also inclined to some hereditary diseases, for instance, hip dysplasia, therefore, the pets should be taken to the vet regularly.
Bengal Cats
Origins and History
Bengal cats are comparatively young – they were bred from domestic cats and the Asian leopard cat. It is one of the hybrids that was originated in the 1960 and ever since known for its aggressive looks and temperament.
Characteristics and Appearance
Bengal cats have an exotic coat that is usually spotted, rog or marbled in many ways to do with a wild leopard. They are developed in body, fitted, and coordinated with glossy coats that can be of any color.
Temperament and Personality
Bengal cats are one of the most active breeds, they love to play. This is an intelligent breed who likes to play and equals more exercise as compared to number of breeds out there. Bengals are also known to be curious and to have some great affinity to water.
Bengal Cats Care
Bengal cats like any other cats need a lot of exercise and mental challenges in the house. Their coat is quite smooth and does not require frequent grooming; it can be brushed only occasionally. Ideally, one of the most significant pleasures you can offer them is keeping toys with which they can engage in interactive play and adequate play area.
Ragdoll Cats
Origins and History
Ragdoll breed was first created in the 1960s in California, United States of America. Ragdolls are very gentle cats, which derives from the breed’s name: the cats go loose when they are held in hands.
Characteristics and Appearance
Ragdolls are large-boned cats with good muscle mass, whose fur is of medium length on the body and tail and longer on the ears, hind legs, and tail. They have striking blue eyes and a color-pointed coat, they look like Siamese cats but are less severe and look much floppier.
Temperament and Personality
Relatively, Ragdolls are friendly cats and like to be involved in various activities around the house. They like to mimic their owners and are considered to be friendly with children and other non-canine animals, hence they are called ‘puppy’.
Ragdoll Cats care
They require special attention in terms of grooming due to their thick fur hence require routine grooming to maintain their coat. Ragdoll, like every other cat breed, is a carrier of some health complications; hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is one of them thus frequent vet visits are encouraged.
British Shorthair
Origins and History
The British Shorthair is rather an ancient breed, and its history can be traced back to Great Britain of the Roman age. These are the earliest known breed of dogs that were introduced to Britain by the Romans and which were bred over the years to form the modern breed.
Characteristics and Appearance
British Shorthairs are built rather large with muscular body, broad head and round face covered with dense coat. They are available in many forms, although the most common is the blue gray form.
Temperament and Personality
British Shorthairs are friendly and forward, they are really rather peaceful tempered cats. They are not very assertive for attention but they do love to have the company of their human friends. These cats prefer to be alone and will do well for those with full-time employment and little time to focus on the pet.
British Shorthair Cat Care
Cats belonging to this breed have a short, dense coat and as with all short haired cats they are prone to shedding which must be combated through brushing. One common issue with the breed is obesity and that means that the cat needs to be feed right and exercised.
Sphynx Cats
Origins and History
The Sphynx is an extraordinary type of cat that is famous for its body’s absence of fuzz. This breed was developed in Canada in the 1960s because of a spontaneous mutation. Sphynx cats do not have hair at all but this cat is friendly and pieces of warmth.
Characteristics and Appearance
Sphynx cats are neither large nor small, but they have a well-developed musculature and rather large cheek bones. They are nearly naked, with no fur coat, so their skin can be warm and smooth to the touching. Although they are devoid of any hair, still they are available in different shades and skin tones.
Temperament and Personality
An ideal example of so-called Sphinx cats is friendly and not at all shy cats. They like being around other people and enjoy the conveniences that come with being the ‘life of the party’. Sphynx cats are also playful and very active, they will make great company to those of us that like keeping pet animals.
Sphynx Cats Care
Due to lack of fur to help in providing a natural oil layer these Sphynx cats need to be bathed often. Ideally, they should also be grown in warm conditions; therefore, during the cooler months, the plants require to be warmed up.
Himalayan Cats
Origins and History
The Himalayan cat is produced from the cross breeding of the Persian and the Siamese cat kinds mainly for the purpose of obtaining the most optimal qualities from of both species. The species is famous for being blue-eyed and covered in long silky coat.
Characteristics and Appearance
Himalayans have never been flat faced like the Persian, they have the pointed face of the Siamese but the coat coloration. They are fairly big more so medium to large with rather muscular built and thick long fur.
Temperament and Personality
Himalayan cats are friendly, soothing and will show love towards its owner. They can effectively have fun around their masters or in solitude since they prefer it. These cats are suitable to stay indoors and lead a quiet lifestyle.
Himalayan Cats Care
The breed has long fur which needs to be groomed often to prevent the hair from tangling and forming mat. Himalayans also have predisposition to some respiratory disorders because of the flatness of their face and thus require periodic vet checks.
Scottish Fold
Origins and History
Scottish Folds are one of the many breeds that has special features, and their conspicuous features are the folded ears. This trait is caused due to sod mutation and that is why this trait originated in Scotland in the 1960’s.
Characteristics and Appearance
Scottish fold cats have a round face, round eyes and what could be described as ‘floppy” ears folded on top of the head making the cats look somewhat like owls. The cats are available in long and short hair status as well as various colors and markings.
Temperament and Personality
Scottish Fold cats are friendly, pleasant-tempered cats. It is loved, and it plays well with its caretakers, the people it refers to as ‘my humans.’ These cats are friendly, and fit well in multi-pet households, as well as around children.
Scottish Fold Cats Care
It is comfortable with average grooming required, and more so in the long-haired types. One also needs to check their ears for infection or wax build up which is quite common in people with such kind of ears.
Burmese Cats
Origins and History
Burmese cats descended from cats found in Burma, now known as Myanmar, and became popular in the western world in the early part of the twentieth century. Sleek coat and golden eyes are the two components that make them easily identifiable.
Characteristics and Appearance
Burmese cats have a muscular body and their coat is short and glossy in nature, their size is also moderate. They have huge black eyes with a white glow around them or golden and yellow big round eyes.
Temperament and Personality
Burmese cats are friendly and socializes well with people. That feels important to them and they tend to be very playful and full of energy, often using diminutives. These cats are also noisy and like to ‘chat’ with their owners too much.
Burmese Cats Care
The Burmese cats have only a short coat and therefore, the cat does not need grooming very often. They are mostly healthy but should be taken through standard medical check-up by the veterinarian in order monitor or check for any developing hereditary health complications.
Russian Blue
Origins and History
The Russian Blue is a naturally developed breed which is assumed to be originated from Russia. They have been around for quite some time; they have been in Europe since the nineteenth century.
Characteristics and Appearance
As to the peculiarities of Russian Blues’ appearance, they are characterized by their silvery-blue coat and bright green eyes. They are of medium size and built and they are muscular and lean in structure and they have a short and dense coat.
Temperament and Personality
Russian Blues are rather shy and unobtrusive. These animals are very friendly with their owners but not very friendly to people they do not know, they normally suffer from a condition known as timidity. These cats are more intelligent and they also like to play interactively.
Russian blue cat care
Originally, they have a short coat that is easy to manage and does not need frequent washing or grooming; however, it is recommended that they be occasionally brushed for their fur has a tendency to shed. Russian Blues, like most other domesticated cats are healthy animals but should be taken for a vet check every once in a while.
American Shorthair
Origins and History
This breed is perfectly adapted to farm and home life which is why it became associated with early settlers of America. They were initially bred as working cats to depredate the rodents, but came be customary as pets.
Characteristics and Appearance
American Shorthairs are credited to be medium to large felines with a muscular build and have a short and compact coat. They are available in many different colors and often patterned, therefore the breed is very visually diverse.
Temperament and Personality
American Shorthairs are friendly cats and they are good-natured. They are docile and can be taken around children and other animals in a household They have a well-behaved temperament. These cats are also independent and thus can easily tolerate and fit in different environments of living.
American Shorthair Cats Care
They have a short coat, therefore does not need much attention, but brushing occasionally can help with shedding. American Shorthairs are usually healthy cats, they can live long, if proper care is taken for them.
Abyssinian Cats
Origins and History
Abyssinian cats are one of the ancient breeds of cats which are thought to have been developed in Egypt. Breeds of this group are characterized by their sleeved or configured form and high activity level.
Characteristics and Appearance
Abyssinians have a slender muscular body, and their coat is short and fine to the touch. They have a ‘ticked’ coat pattern in which each hair is cross-banded with different colors, making the guinea fowl look shiny.
Temperament and Personality
Abyssinians are live-wire, their playful mannerisms are quite evident. They love to wander about and anything that can make them do that is interesting to them. These cats are friendly and they tend to attach themselves to their human caregivers or masters.
Abyssinian Cat Care
This breed needs little grooming because of the shortness of their coat although it has an attractive sleek appearance. They are usually strong dogs but should be taken to the Vet for periodic health check up to address such health disorders that may be genetically inherited.
Birman Cats
Origins and History
Birman cats are generally believed to have originated from the temples of Burma, although little is known as to how the breed came into exitance. They were brought into Europe within the early part of the twentieth century and have been loved for their flashy looks and generally passive disposition.
Characteristics and Appearance
Birmans are medium to large cats, are muscular and well-built and have long and soft fur coats. They have the pointed coat of color in the manner of the Siamese, with white gloves on the paws. They are dark blue very vivid blue.
Temperament and Personality
Speaking of character peculiarities, Birman cats are friendly and sweet-tempered. They like the company of people and in general, they are friendly with kids and other animals. Birmans are also not very vocal dogs and therefore would be suitable for a calm environment free from noise.
Birman Cat Care
They need frequent grooming since their hair is long and beautiful. Birmans are known to be susceptible to some genetic diseases, therefore, they require routine checkups with the veterinarian.
All in all, every animal has its own peculiarities and it is impossible to treat all the cats equally. Depending on whether you want an active and playful cat, or a calm and gentle one, or even a rather proud and independent British Shorthair, there is something for everyone. Below, you will find a list of several breeds and their peculiarities, with the help of which you can find the pet that will be ideal for you.
What kind of cat is the best for families with children?
Both Ragdoll and Maine Coon cats are suitable for families with children. Both breeds are friendly, love to socialize and are safe for kids and this places them as some of the best family animals.
Is the Bengal cat high maintenance?
Bengal cats’ grooming is not complicated, but these animals need much mental and physical activity. As much as they are active, they require to be played with and played around or given an opportunity to roam around.
What about Sphynx cats if its owner has an allergy problem?
It is said that Sphynx cats are slightly better for those with allergies as they do not have fur. But they shed skin and oils, as well as dander, so pets must be bathed and groomed to minimize allergens.
Before you decide to bring this breed home, there are specific factors that you have to think about.
Another important aspect that is worth to be mentioned is that Himalayan cats have long hair, so they need grooming frequently. They are also vulnerable to a few diseases, related to their flat snouts, specifically respiratory diseases. Some breeds such as the Himalayan require frequent visits to the vet and they should be kept indoors most of the times.